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Langauge Navigator Created to Provide Communications Assistance

LPHI initially developed a Language Style Guide to provide its staff with established internal standards for inclusive and equitable language. This guide was later formalized and branded as the Language Navigator (LN) for broader use and dissemination through the website This initiative is part of LPHI’s role as a technical assistance provider for the COVID-19 Health Equity Project (OT21-2103 - National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities Funding).

The LN was created to assist users in selecting inclusive and equitable language to foster understanding and avoid harm from outdated terms. It establishes a unified language framework to ensure appropriate and mindful language use. The web-based tool provides four areas of assistance.

  1. Language - words to avoid, words to use, reasoning, and source information.
  2. Glossary - word definitions and source information.
  3. Acronyms - definitions of common abbreviations and source information.
  4. Resources - links to additional language-related information

A key component of the site is the option for users to request suggestions of content additions, edits, and deletions to ensure the information provided continuously evolves and accurately represents and adapts to diverse identities and cultures.

The LN serves as a valuable tool for public health practitioners, helping them enhance their communication both within their organizations and with the public. Using appropriate language is crucial for the public health workforce to build and maintain public trust.

The LN will be featured during a breakout session during NNPHI's Open Forum. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with the LN, learn how to utilize the site, and explore use cases for the site.

Access the LN by visiting