Through the Research Ready project, LPHI developed the following resources to facilitate improved staff engagement in clinic-based research studies: a training for clinical staff to increase their knowledge of basic research principles and a guide for research teams to share best practices for implementing studies in clinical settings and communicating with clinical support staff. Content and format for the resources were informed by both clinic staff and research team members who conduct studies in clinical settings. Creation of the Research Ready resources was funded by a Eugene Washington Engagement Award from the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute. For additional information, please contact Daniele Farrisi.
Workbook: This training covers basic research principles as well as tips and strategies for staff members who will be supporting research studies at their workplaces. The workbook is designed to be used for self-guided study or as a compliment to facilitator-lead instruction.
E-learning: The content from the workbook is also available as an e-learning module which is also intended to be used for self-study.
Researcher guide: The researcher guide shares best practices for engaging clinic staff throughout the research process as a means to achieve successful implementation of studies in clinical care settings. The guide is presented in an issue brief format and includes a list of key recommendations as well a sample agendas for recommended meetings with clinical staff.
Implementation guide: The implementation guide provides step-by-step guidance for how to implement the various formats of the Research Ready training as well as helpful tips and recommendations for follow-up.
White paper: This document describes the training and summarizes the results of LPHI’s evaluation of the training and its implementation. It also includes tips and links to resources for providing the training to clinic staff.