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GNO healthcare providers invited to participate in LGBT Elders Provider Network launch


 Healthcare professionals in the Greater New Orleans Metro Area are invited to attend NOAGE's launch of the Greater New Orleans LGBT Elders Provider Network at the AARP Community Resource Center (3502 S. Carrollton Ave).

Part of NOAGE's mission is to ensure that LGBT older adults get culturally competent care from their providers. Numerous surveys have shown that LGBT elders are afraid to be open with their providers for fear of mistreatment, and one of the results of is that they have poorer mental and physical health than their peers. Additionally, surveys of providers have shown that many are uncomfortable providing care for LGBT people.

Through this initiative, NOAGE will work with local healthcare professionals to ensure that LGBT elders have the opportunity to live the healthiest lives possible by providing free trainings to providers and developing a resource guide for our LGBT elders.

For more information or to register for the launch event, click here.