Please join LPHI for our upcoming Behavioral Health Learning Community in New Orleans.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
9:00 am-4:30 pm
Lakeview Christian Center
5885 Fleur de Lis Drive
New Orleans, LA 70124
Experts from the National Council for Behavioral Health and the Institute for Family Health will do a deep dive into what you, your health plan, and your clinic can do to continue to prepare for value based payments.
They will also discuss the national context and value based payments landscape, including:
Billing and Coding Optimization
HEDIS Quality Measurements
Case Conference
Advance Directives
Form Completion
Social Determinants
Substance Use Screening
Problem List Maintenance
Lagniappe: Codes, Codes, Codes!
CEUS pending for ADRA, LPCs, and Social Work
Breakfast and Lunch will be served