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LPHI Featured in Gambit Cover Story About the State of Sex Education in Louisiana

Raegan Carter, LPHI Senior Manager and TFL Region 2 Manager is quoted in "The facts of life: the state of sex ed in Louisiana," Gambit's cover story for May 16-22, 2017. The article highlights work done by Ms. Carter and the Louisiana Adolescent Reproductive Health Coalition, convened by LPHI's Family Health Portfolio, to educate lawmakers about the importance of collecting anonymous and voluntary survey data from high school students about behaviors related to unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Louisiana is high on the list of negative outcomes in health and education—particularly sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies—partially because we do not know in which risk behaviors young people are engaging and cannot effectively prevent them. Collecting sexual risk behavior survey data will give public health professionals better information on which to develop effective prevention programs.

The article also highlights the strong work our partners at the Institute of Women and Ethnic Studies (IWES) do to bring trauma-informed sex education to students in southeast Louisiana through their Believe in Youth (BY-LA) program.

To read the full story, click here.