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LPHI Outlines Long-Term Public Health Improvements with a New Strategic Plan

December 2, 2021 – The Louisiana Public Health Institute (LPHI) has proudly served the residents of Louisiana for nearly 25 years. It has become clear over the past few years that the public health landscape shifts and changes at an ever-quickening pace. LPHI’s role is to be both responsive to the immediate public health needs of Louisiana residents and to create an environment for long-term public health improvements. In order to do so, LPHI has created a three-year strategic plan to outline and guide the public health impact of the organization.

“I want Louisiana to be the healthiest state in the Nation,” said LPHI CEO Shelina Davis. “I know that is not something that will happen quickly, but it is something that we all must begin to strive for. It is through that lens that we acknowledge the critical need for having a solid strategic plan to guide our path forward.”

The guiding elements of the strategic plan include an updated mission statement, vision statement, and set of values, along with four new Priority Areas: Racial Justice and Health Equity, Partnerships and Collaboration, A Healthier Louisiana, and A Thriving Organization.

“For years, LPHI has spoken out about the many factors that contribute to health, with a strong focus on the negative impacts of racism and inequity,” said Linda Usdin, LPHI board chair. “Undergoing the strategic planning process at this moment ensures that we are resolute in addressing the challenges we face and increase the impact of public health practices and guidelines.”

By implementing this plan, LPHI will be able to increase the impact of public health practices and guidelines and grow the scope and number of organizational partners. Each priority area is supported by a goal that provides overall direction. A Year One Action Plan has been developed for each of the priority areas, which highlights specific strategies that LPHI is committed to achieving in the first year of the plan’s implementation. The action plan will be updated annually to provide direction for the year.