Statement from LPHI CEO in Response to Increased AAPI Hate Crimes
I felt compelled to share and acknowledge what has transpired this week. I stand in solidarity and commit to action with our Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities. My heart aches for the eight individuals, six of whom were of Asian descent, who were shot and killed in their workplace.
I’m also reminded that this is not new – acts of discrimination, hate, and xenophobia against our Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities have happened long before this moment and continues to persist. Stop AAPI Hate – an Asian-American and Pacific Islander advocacy organization – indicated that nearly 3,800 hate incidents were reported against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders nationwide over the last year. This is maddening and unacceptable in 2021!
We must unite to eliminate racism and the policies that perpetuate it – in all forms – from our society. I acknowledge our collective exhaustion and frustration, particularly that of people of color. Let’s all do our part to commit to understanding how we can dismantle systems that are grounded and rooted in racism, oppression, and discrimination.
As I shared in June, I continue to join my colleagues and commit my organization, the Louisiana Public Health Institute, to addressing Racism as a public health crisis. I call upon our partners, our policymakers, our neighbors to join us in identifying and adopting anti-racist policies so that we uphold the human right to be healthy and afford an equal opportunity for us all to live and thrive!
Let’s continue to shine positive light, love, and resist hate of all forms.
Shelina Davis
Louisiana Public Health Institute