Community-Centered Health Homes: First National Demonstration Project
LPHI awarded five community health centers (CHCs) funds to participate in the first national pilot of the Community-Centered Health Home (CCHH) concept. The two year demonstration project aims to advance health equity and community resiliency by enhancing the capacity of selected CHCs to take the next step beyond the patient-centered medical home model and to serve as trusted, effective partners in community prevention. The team provides direct technical assistance to CHCs to support operational implementation of the CCHH model over the course of the project.
The CCHH concept, developed by the Prevention Institute, takes previous health home models a transformative step further. CCHH’s go beyond providing navigation support or referrals to social services to help patients facing issues like violence, hunger, or housing challenges, or other factors outside the healthcare system that impact their health. A CCHH actively collaborates with community partners to address the upstream barriers to good health.
In collaboration with the Prevention Institute, LPHI is engaged with national and regional partners to continue to advance the CCHH model, including the Kresge Foundation, the Episcopal Health Foundation, and other CCHH pioneers.