School-Based Health Centers and School Wellness
LPHI first began its work in adolescent health in 2006 to support the rebuilding and expansion of School Based Health Centers in the greater New Orleans area following Hurricane Katrina. Three years later, the work expanded to include coordinated school wellness programs, illuminating the need for comprehensive sex education programs. The portfolio works to improve overall health of students and school communities through technical assistance to school-based health centers and the development of comprehensive school wellness programs. We have worked with school districts and charter management organizations to support the development, adoption and implementation of school wellness policies that meet or exceed federal and state requirements around nutrition and physical activity.
As a result of the adoption and implementation of school wellness policies, local educational agencies and schools have created a supportive school nutrition, physical activity and healthy social –emotional environments by shifting the cultural paradigm. Over the past seven years, we have acquired expertise in navigating and providing support to school systems focused on curricula development, wellness programming, environmental changes and other activities that affect the entire student and/or staff population.