LPHI has conducted two statewide surveys on COVID-19, the first in June 2020 and the second in February 2021.
The February 2021 survey focused predominantly on vaccine willingness, finding that 50 percent of Louisianans were willing to get the vaccine, 35 percent were hesitant, and 15 percent were unwilling. The survey also looked at various factors that influence vaccine decisions. The February 2021 LPHI COVID-19 Survey Report can be found here. A one-pager overview document is also available here.
The June 2020 survey asked participants about their knowledge of COVID-19, how their behaviors have changed during the pandemic, how the pandemic has impacted them, the status of their physical and mental health, vaccine willingness, and more. During the time the survey was conducted Louisiana was in Phase 2 of reopening, which permitted certain establishments to open at 50 percent capacity. The June 2020 LPHI COVID-19 Survey Report can be found here. A one-page overview document is also available here.
If you have questions about the reports or would like permission to use the data, please send an email to EvalandResearch@lphi.org.